PT Kalbe Farma Tbk

Gambar PT Kalbe Farma Tbk Posisi Business Development Officer


  • PT Kalbe Farma Tbktidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dalam proses rekrutmen.

  • PT Kalbe Farma Tbk tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan travel agent / biro perjalanan tertentu dalam proses rekrutmen.

  • Apabila Anda diminta untuk membayar sejumlah uang dalam bentuk pembayaran tiket pesawat dan hotel atau akomodasi lainnya agar diabaikan.

  • Jangan memberikan data pribadi atau data keuangan Anda kepada siapapun.

  • Jika membutuhkan klarifikasi lebih lanjut dapat langsung menghubungiPT Kalbe Farma Tbk


Kalbe realizes the importance of a Code of Ethics in the implementation of the operational activities of the Company. Therefore, the Company is currently preparing a Code of Ethics which will serve as guidelines for all Kalbe Institutions in conducting interaction and relationships with all stakeholders. In addition, the Code of Ethics is expected to avoid any deviation from established standards of behavior and to serve as guidelines in detecting violations. Compliance with the Code of Ethics will avoid any improper relationship with stakeholders that would be detrimental to the Company.

The purpose of developing a Code of Ethics includes:

  • To describe the Company’s values in terms of ethical business standards that must be obeyed by every member of Kalbe in everyday duties

  • To set in place a standard code of conduct expected of every member of Kalbe, including Commissioners, Directors and employees

  • To develop proper behavior in accordance with high ethical standards for the corporation, directors and employees; and

  • To develop good relationships with stakeholders in accordance with the principles of corporate governance and company values

  • To support the implementation of good corporate governance practices in order to achieve financial performance, social, and a healthy and sustainable environment.

Kalbe has Panca Sradha Kalbe as its philosophical basis for application of Kalbe Ethics as follows:

  • Mutual trust is the bond between us

  • Full awareness is the basis for each of our actions

  • Innovation is the key to our success

  • Determined to be the best

  • Interconnectedness is the guideline of our life

Kalbe’s Code of Ethics that is being developed contains aspects such as compliance with laws and regulations, avoidance of conflicts of interest, giving and receiving gifts / gratifications, engaging in political activities, among others.

Jika terdapat kesalahan pada profile perusahaan ini silahkan laporkan ke

Industri Kesehatan/Medis
Ukuran Perusahaan: Lebih dari 5000 pekerja
Waktu Proses Lamaran: 28 hari
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain: Tunjangan Pendidikan, Tip, Asuransi kesehatan, Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat, Smart Casual
Lokasi: Jalan Suprapto, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta,