Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Posisi District Manager – Area Manager di PT Sewu Segar Primatama (Re.juve)

Gambar PT Sewu Segar Primatama (Re.juve) Posisi District Manager - Area Manager (Surabaya)
  • Loker diposting 2 tahun yang lalu

Dibutuhkan!! loker dengan sistem full time untuk posisi District Manager - Area Manager (Surabaya) di perusahaan PT Sewu Segar Primatama (Re.juve) untuk kota/kab Surabaya atau sekitarnya.

Kemampuan yang kita inginkan ialah Hotel/Restoran & Makanan/Minuman/Pelayanan Restoran serta orang yang jujur dan bertanggung jawab.

Adapun persyaratan yang perusahaan inginkan adalah minimal Sarjana (S1). Sesuai dari ketetapan yang PT kami berikan.

Gaji yang perusahaan kami tawarkan cukup kompetitif menurut dari skill karyawan. Minimum upah yang kami berikan adalah Rp 1.800.000 - Rp 5.500.000.

Info Loker

Perusahaan PT Sewu Segar Primatama (Re.juve)
Posisi District Manager - Area Manager
Tempat Surabaya
Tingkatan Kerja Supervisor/Koordinator
Kualifikasi Sarjana (S1)
Jenis Pekerjaan Full Time
Spesialisasi Dibutuhkan Hotel/Restoran, Makanan/Minuman/Pelayanan Restoran
Gaji Min Rp. 1.800.000
Gaji Max Rp. 5.500.000


  • Responsible for overall quality and performance of the stores and employees
  • Plan and oversee in-store promotional events or displays
  • Plans, develops, and achieves an annual profit plan by store and district
  • Inspect the areas in the store and resolve an issues that might arise
  • Monitor inventory levels to determine the need for stock supply at each retail outlet
  • Analyze sales and revenue reports and make forecast
  • Ensure compliance with health/safety policies and procedures at retail sites
  • Recap & analyze store sales level
  • Manage and taking responsibilities for the business performance and development of many store in the coverage area
  • Ability to spot and resolve problems efficiently, mastery in delegating multiple tasks, communication, and leadership skills.


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelors Degree in Business Studies/Marketing/Management or Equivalent
  • Minimum 3-5 years of working experience in large retail F&B companies as District Manager
  • Having good knowledge of retail management best practices
  • Excellent organizing and leadership skills
  • Analytical thinking and familiar with data analysis principles
  • Strong Leadership, strong Analytical & Initiative
  • Able to work as a team or individually
  • Willing to mobile
  • Customer oriented and Service Minded

Please upload your updated CV. 

Alamat Lengkap

Provinsi Jawa Timur
Kota Surabaya
Map Google Map

Keuntungan Kerja

  • Mendapat pengalaman kerja
  • Bonus jika lembur
  • Diajari terlebih dahulu

Lamar kerja

Perlu diingat informasi yang tertera bisa saja berubah sewaktu-waktu.

Melamar pekerjaan tidak dipungut biaya, anda harus berhati-hati saat melamar pekerjaan.

Pastikan anda mengisi form lamaran yang dituju terlebih dahulu dan menunggu HRD perusahaan menghubungi untuk interview.

Disclaimer: pastikan anda membaca deskripsi dan intruksi dari lokercepat.id agar tidak mengalami kejadian yang tidak mengenakkan saat melamar pekerjaan. Karena kami adalah situs berbagi lowongan pekerjaan dengan sumber dari internet, koran, dan TV.

Tips dari admin. Gunakan bahasa yang sopan dan promosikan diri semenarik mungkin agar HRD/Staff terkait tertarik dengan anda.

Semoga sukses mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan.

Intruksi Melamar Pekerjaan

  1. Buka link "Lamar Sekarang" di atas
  2. Jika belum punya akunnya, silahkan daftar terlebih dahulu, buat profile/unggah resume sesuai dengan data diri anda
  3. Jika sudah mendaftar kalian bisa langsung login
  4. Promosikan diri anda lewat form lamaran kerja yang tertara
  5. Selesai, silahkan tunggu.

Bagikan Loker ini

Deskripsi Perusahaan

About Gunung Sewu Group :

Gunung Sewu has grown to become one of Indonesia’s premier diversified business groups, with a workforce of approximately 30,00 professionals encompassing operations in the food, insurance, property, manufacturing and other emerging businesses.

About Great Giant Foods :

Great Giant Foods (GGF) is a modern manufacturing company, producing various agriculture and farming commodities, from fresh and canned fruits, to livestock products. GGF delivers food products and agricultural commodities to the global market around the world distributed to local markets but exported to over 30 countries in Asia Pacific, North America, South America, Middle East and Europe. The company’s processing facilities are certified with domestic and international standard for food processing and safety.

About Re.Juve :

Re.Juve is the first retail business of Gunung Sewu Group. Re.Juve’s 1ststore was opened in May 2014 at Gandaria City, and now by end of 2022 we already have 85 Re.juve stores in Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Malang, Palembang and Bali.Re.Juve as a pioneer of premium cold pressed juice with High Pressure (HPP) Technology in Indonesia brings the mission to help our customers live happier through delicious, healthy and honest F&B selections.

Info Perusahaan

  • Industri: Retail/Merchandise
  • Ukuran Perusahaan: 201 - 500 pekerja
  • Waktu Proses Lamaran: 25 hari
  • Tunjangan dan Lain-lain: Asuransi kesehatan, Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat, Business Casual
Loker ini cocok untuk anda yang tinggal di provinsi: Jawa Timur