Officially established and functionate on 2018. RKP LOGISTIC is logistic service company for land, air, and sea transportation. Headquartered in Medan and posses branch offices in Pekanbaru and Tangerang. RKP LOGISTIC prioritizes logistic transportation route along Sumatra and Java. In meeting consumer needs, we provide strategic partner in various cities located in all around Indonesia.

RKP LOGISTIC supplies logistic transportation service for all business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), Moving, and Warehouse. Our target markets are: heavy equipment, pharmacy, professional house and office moving, automotive, telecommunication, agribusiness, postal & courier, and fashion.

Rasakan Kenyamanan Pengiriman barang bersama RKP LOGISTIC #RKPexpressbisnismu 🚛📦

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