PT Distributor Indonesia Unggul

Gambar PT Distributor  Indonesia Unggul Posisi Manager Pemasaran

Tokodistributor is an e-commerce owned and operated by PT. Distributor Indonesia Unggul by carrying out the B2B and O2O concepts and combining modern and traditional business concepts, with the aim of opening shorter distribution channels and creating new entrepreneurs to be able to compete in the digital era.

In today’s digital era, we understand that starting a business is not easy, the number of competitors and limited capital determine business people to get cheaper supplier prices, making people reluctant to start a business. In addition, nowadays sellers are also required to have more creative and better media to attract buyers and all of that is a challenge that is not easy to face.

Therefore, we aim to create e-commerce that can provide solutions so that everyone can have the same opportunity to build a business.


Company Vision:

Opening up new opportunities to be successful in business, by taking advantage of the digital era.

Company Mission:

  1. Providing the best prices without a minimum order so that novice sellers are no less competitive with big stores.
  2. Providing facilities such as the best product photos so that they can support sales.
  3. Provide training so that resellers can develop their business.
  4. Creating new entrepreneurs to help the national economy that can create jobs.
  5. Become a solution and embrace online businesses throughout Indonesia.

Jika terdapat kesalahan pada profile perusahaan ini silahkan laporkan ke [email protected]

Industri Komputer/Teknik Informatika (Perangkat Lunak)
Ukuran Perusahaan: 1- 50 pekerja
Waktu Proses Lamaran: 4 hari
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain: Parkir, Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat, Kasual (contoh: Kaos), BPJS Kesehatan, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
Lokasi: The Mansion Fontana Tower ( kemayoran )

Foto Perusahaan