PT Apex Mitra Malindo (BONIA Branded)

Gambar PT Apex Mitra Malindo (BONIA Branded) Posisi Boutique Assistant Manager (Jakarta,Medan,Surabaya)

PT Apex Mitra MalindoKami adalah Agen Tunggal Pemasaran Barang Branded “Bonia” International di distribusikan di indonesia, produknya terdiri dari Hand Bag , Shoes, Accesories. Perusahaan kami sangat mengutamakan jenjang karir bagi para staff yang berprestasi. Kami sudah berada di indonesia sejak tahun 2006 dan kami sudah ekspansi di beberapa kota besar dan selanjutnya akan ekspansi ke seluruh kota di indonesia

BONIA Group has a network of over 1,00 sales outlets and 130 standalone boutiques throughout the world including countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Brunei, Oman and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Group continues to develop its global presence by forging strong networks with key partners around the world. In addition to its flagship fashion label, BONIA, the Group is also behind successful brands such as and holds the license to distribute international labels such as Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club, Austin Reed, Valentino Rudy, Jeep, The Savile Row Company, Braun Buffel, Pierre Cardin, Bruno Magli, Enrico Coveri . We invite individuals who are dedicated, energetic and motivated to grow with the Group.

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Industri Retail/Merchandise
Ukuran Perusahaan: 51 - 200 pekerja
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain: Asuransi kesehatan, Bisnis (contoh: Kemeja), Senin - Minggu

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