PT Aica Indria

Gambar PT Aica Indria Posisi STAFF Finance & Accounting

PT. Aica Indria is one of the biggest adhesives manufacturing company in Indonesia and is now in the position as The Adhesives Specialist.

Last but not least, we are responsible to the environment in which we operate. In 1997, PT Aica Indria became a member of KNRCI a National Committee comprising of companies in Indonesia which concern and commit to operate factories with environmentally friendly system. Furthermore, in 2005 PT. Aica Indria gained certification of ISO 14001:2004 (Environment Management System). Since then full attention is more given to all our business activities to protect our employees and our environment against detrimental environment effects, create a safe and pleasant working environment, manage our resources and assume responsibility for the environment in relation to the customers as well as suppliers and develop products, services and operations with consistent quality and environmentally safe.

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Industri Manufaktur/Produksi
Ukuran Perusahaan: 201 - 500 pekerja
Waktu Proses Lamaran: 26 hari
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain: Tip, Asuransi kesehatan, Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat, Business, Uniform