Elite Tutors Indonesia

Gambar Elite Tutors Indonesia Posisi Relationship Officer

Elite Tutors Indonesia – ETI – (see ww.elite-tutors.co.id) is a premium service provider for 1 to 1 tuition in 12K education system. We serve Indonesia most high profile families.

Our other business division such as:

  • Dyslexia Center Indonesia – DCI – (see ww.dyslexia.co.id). DCI is a premium integrated service for dyslexia, the most common specific learning differences;
  • Hatarakimasu Indonesia (see ww.hatarakimasu.co.id). Hatarakimasu Indonesia is a Business to Business (B2B) service in Human Resources (HR) solution.

ETI has a sister company in Tokyo, Japan such as:

Indonesia Manpower Solution K. K. – IMS – (see ww.indonesia-manpower.co.jp, under construction). IMS is currently the one and only Indonesian professional job placement agency in Japan.

Jika terdapat kesalahan pada profile perusahaan ini silahkan laporkan ke [email protected]

Industri Pendidikan
No. Registrasi:
Ukuran Perusahaan: 1- 50 pekerja
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain: Tunjangan Pendidikan, Tip, Asuransi kesehatan, Penglihatan, Kasual (contoh: Kaos), Overseas leisure trip, e. g. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, & Japan, Regular hours, except for tutor's position

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