Gambar CV BERKIBAR BANGUN BERSAMA Posisi Project Business Executive

CV Berkibar Bangun Bersama is a limited liability company having its address at Ruko Jade Square A21 BSB Mijen Semarang. In accordance with the company name, we have a motto to continue to fly, continue to wake and always stand tall and move forward with the entire board of directors, employees and esteemed customers.

CV Berkibar Bangun Bersama is engaged in the supply and installation of water heaters, consisting of electric water heaters, solar water heaters, commercial heat pumps, swimming pool heat pumps. In addition to water heaters, CV Berkibar Bangun Bersama is also engaged in the Sanitary Needs supply and Homogenous/ Granite Tiles.

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Industri Umum & Grosir
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