CommuniTea CommuniTea CiC bringing communities together ~ social values, sustainability, development, family support, training & consultancy. Currently CommuniTea CIC is working on a feasability study to understand the needs of the community around family support. CommuniTea CIC is also working with a number of organisations in delivering training including Rochdale MBC. We are a social enterprise and we will be happy to work with any organisation seeking assistance in delivering services to the community. Jika terdapat kesalahan pada profile perusahaan ini silahkan laporkan ke [email protected] Industri Daftar Loker dari CommuniTea CommuniTea 9 bulan yang lalu Gaji: Rp. 2.000.000 - 8.500.000 Posisi: Cook Helper Kota: Dayeuhkolot, Jawa Barat