Lowongan Kerja Gresik Posisi Govt Relation Manager di Pt Ecooils Jaya Indonesia

Gambar Pt Ecooils Jaya Indonesia Posisi Govt Relation Manager
  • Loker diposting 3 minggu yang lalu

Butuh cepat. lowongan pekerjaan dengan sistem full time untuk posisi Govt Relation Manager di kantor Pt Ecooils Jaya Indonesia untuk domisili Gresik & Jawa Timur dan sekitarnya.

Skill yang usaha kami butuhkan ialah Manajemen (Manufaktur, Transportasi & Logistik) serta orang yang mampu bekerja dengan tekun.

Perusahaan kami tidak memiliki syarat yang khusus terhadap pelamar sehingga kamu dapat mencoba melamar ke perusahaan ini dengan memberikan CV atau portofolio anda.

Gaji yang perusahaan ini tawarkan cukup kompetitif tergantung dari kemampuan karyawan. Minimum upah yang kami tawarkan adalah Rp 2.000.000 - Rp 8.500.000.

Info Loker

Perusahaan -
Jenis Pekerjaan
Spesialisasi Dibutuhkan
Gaji Min Rp. 2.000.000
Gaji Max Rp. 8.500.000


  1. Educational background: A bachelor’s degree in Social Studies, Communication, Environmental Science, or any other dicipline.
  2. Comprehensive knowledge of environmental and hazardous waste (B3) regulations.
  3. Proven experience working with different GOVT offices in various contexts, demonstrating a strong understanding of GOVT’s new regulations and needs.
  4. Ability to support business leaders and managers in integrating community perspective into strategic decision-making, ensuring alignment with operational goals.
  5. Strong interpersonal skills with experience in engaging and communicating effectively with stakeholders at all levels, both internally and externally, particularly in collaboration with Safety and Technical functions, including Corporate Relations.
  6. Prefered experience in conducting project-based impact assessments, with the ability to analyze and present findings to inform business strategies.
  7. Language proficiency: Fluency in the local language and English is essential for effective communication with diverse stakeholders.


  1. Apply for and obtain the new required licenses and permits, including B3 waste, and renew permits.
  2. Manage the company’s OSS account and its confidentiality.
  3. Prepare and follow the Government report submission plan. Ensure that all mandatory reports are submitted on time.
  4. Develop a good network with Government offices and use it effectively. Serving as a liaison to ensure effective communication and collaboration with Government entities.
  5. Stay current with regulatory developments that could impact the business and make recommendations to key stakeholders. Take impact mitigation actions, providing regular reports and recommendations to senior management.
  6. Colllaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate stakeholders perspectives into business strategies and operational plans, ensuring aligment.

Alamat Lengkap

Provinsi Jawa Timur
Kota Gresik
Alamat Jl. Raya Manyar No. 1
Map Google Map

Keuntungan Kerja

  • Peluang pengembangan karir dan pertumbuhan.
  • Penghasilan yang stabil dan gaji rutin.
  • Lingkungan kerja yang kolaboratif dan tim yang solid.

Lamar kerja

Perlu diingat informasi yang tertera bisa saja berubah sewaktu-waktu.

Melamar pekerjaan tidak dipungut biaya, anda harus berhati-hati saat melamar pekerjaan.

Pastikan anda mengisi form lamaran yang dituju terlebih dahulu dan menunggu HRD perusahaan menghubungi untuk interview.

Disclaimer: pastikan anda membaca deskripsi dan intruksi dari lokercepat.id agar tidak mengalami kejadian yang tidak mengenakkan saat melamar pekerjaan. Karena kami adalah situs berbagi lowongan pekerjaan dengan sumber dari internet, koran, dan TV.

Tips dari admin. Gunakan bahasa yang sopan dan promosikan diri semenarik mungkin agar HRD/Staff terkait tertarik dengan anda.

Semoga sukses mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan.

Intruksi Melamar Pekerjaan

  1. Buka link "Lamar Sekarang" di atas
  2. Jika belum punya akunnya, silahkan daftar terlebih dahulu, buat profile/unggah resume sesuai dengan data diri anda
  3. Jika sudah mendaftar kalian bisa langsung login
  4. Promosikan diri anda lewat form lamaran kerja yang tertara
  5. Selesai, silahkan tunggu.

Bagikan Loker ini

Deskripsi Perusahaan


  1. Educational background: A bachelor’s degree in Social Studies, Communication, Environmental Science, or any other dicipline.
  2. Comprehensive knowledge of environmental and hazardous waste (B3) regulations.
  3. Proven experience working with different GOVT offices in various contexts, demonstrating a strong understanding of GOVT’s new regulations and needs.
  4. Ability to support business leaders and managers in integrating community perspective into strategic decision-making, ensuring alignment with operational goals.
  5. Strong interpersonal skills with experience in engaging and communicating effectively with stakeholders at all levels, both internally and externally, particularly in collaboration with Safety and Technical functions, including Corporate Relations.
  6. Prefered experience in conducting project-based impact assessments, with the ability to analyze and present findings to inform business strategies.
  7. Language proficiency: Fluency in the local language and English is essential for effective communication with diverse stakeholders.


  1. Apply for and obtain the new required licenses and permits, including B3 waste, and renew permits.
  2. Manage the company’s OSS account and its confidentiality.
  3. Prepare and follow the Government report submission plan. Ensure that all mandatory reports are submitted on time.
  4. Develop a good network with Government offices and use it effectively. Serving as a liaison to ensure effective communication and collaboration with Government entities.
  5. Stay current with regulatory developments that could impact the business and make recommendations to key stakeholders. Take impact mitigation actions, providing regular reports and recommendations to senior management.
  6. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate stakeholders perspectives into business strategies and operational plans, ensuring aligment.

Info Perusahaan

  • Industri:
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