Lowongan Kerja Cikarang Barat Posisi Finance,accounting,tax Senior Supervisor di PT AJEINDONESIA

Gambar PT AJEINDONESIA Posisi Finance,Accounting,Tax Senior Supervisor
  • Loker diposting 1 bulan yang lalu

Kami merilis lowongan pekerjaan dengan sistem full time untuk posisi Finance,Accounting,Tax Senior Supervisor di perusahaan PT AJEINDONESIA untuk domisili Cikarang Barat & Jawa Barat atau sekitarnya.

Skill yang perusahaan kami butuhkan ialah Perpajakan (Akuntansi) serta orang yang jujur dan disiplin.

Perusahaan kami tidak memiliki syarat yang tersendiri terhadap pelamar sehingga kamu dapat mencoba melamar ke perusahaan kami dengan memberikan CV atau portofolio anda.

Gaji yang perusahaan ini tawarkan cukup kompetitif menurut dari kemampuan pekerja. Rata-rata upah yang kami berikan adalah Rp 8.100.000 - Rp 12.000.000.

Info Loker

Posisi Finance,accounting,tax Senior Supervisor
Tempat Cikarang Barat
Jenis Pekerjaan Full Time
Spesialisasi Dibutuhkan Perpajakan (Akuntansi)
Gaji Min Rp. 8.075.000
Gaji Max Rp. 12.075.000
  1. Bachelor’s degree in Finance or Accounting major at reputable University
  2. Maximum 40 years old
  3. Min 5 years of experience in relevant field
  4. Advanced computer skills on MS Office, Accounting software and databases
  5. Have knowledge and experience in Auditing, Accounting, Finance and Taxation
  6. Strong analytical skills, strategic business and decision-making skills, high initiative, visionary and leadership skills
  7. Strong problem solving and creative thinking skills and the ability to make decision based on accurate and timely analysis
  8. Strong interpersonal skills, ability to communicate well orally and in writing and manage well at all level of the organization

Job Descriptions :

  1. Responsible for managing financial activities
  2. Provide Monitoring and Supervise to finance, accounting and tax areas of the organization
  3. Assist in issuing timely, accurate, and complete financial statements for management  in accordance with Indonesian law and standard accepted accounting principles
  4. Assist in coordinating the preparation of the draft audited financial statements and all tax returns in accordance with Indonesian taxation laws and regulations
  5. Maintain processes and controls related to transaction processing
  6. Maintain system of accounts and keep books and records on all transactions and assets
  7. Oversee long-term budget planning and cost management to be in line with the strategic plan and in accordance with the company’s financial condition.
  8. Able to reconcile Bank’s statements by comparing the statements into the general accounting ledger
  9. Representing the company in establishing good relations with the government, financial institutions, banks, external auditors and other business partners.
  10. Responsible for Company Taxation
  11. Verify and analyze the amount of tax reported and the amount of monthly tax expenditure.
  12. Handle tax audit, included as a company representative in Tax court and to represent the company for any tax related issues.
  13. Support and update management and other related departments regarding updated information on financial and tax laws and regulations
  14. Support all financial team members to resolve issues and problems

Alamat Lengkap

Provinsi Jawa Barat
Kota Cikarang Barat
Alamat Jl. Raya Cibarusah
Map Google Map

Keuntungan Kerja

  • Peluang untuk membangun pengalaman kerja.
  • Hubungan sosial dan jaringan profesional yang berkembang.
  • Akses ke sumber daya dan fasilitas perusahaan.

Lamar kerja

Perlu diingat informasi yang tertera bisa saja berubah sewaktu-waktu.

Melamar pekerjaan tidak dipungut biaya, anda harus berhati-hati saat melamar pekerjaan.

Pastikan anda mengisi form lamaran yang dituju terlebih dahulu dan menunggu HRD perusahaan menghubungi untuk interview.

Disclaimer: pastikan anda membaca deskripsi dan intruksi dari lokercepat.id agar tidak mengalami kejadian yang tidak mengenakkan saat melamar pekerjaan. Karena kami adalah situs berbagi lowongan pekerjaan dengan sumber dari internet, koran, dan TV.

Tips dari admin. Gunakan bahasa yang sopan dan promosikan diri semenarik mungkin agar HRD/Staff terkait tertarik dengan anda.

Semoga sukses mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan.

Intruksi Melamar Pekerjaan

  1. Buka link "Lamar Sekarang" di atas
  2. Jika belum punya akunnya, silahkan daftar terlebih dahulu, buat profile/unggah resume sesuai dengan data diri anda
  3. Jika sudah mendaftar kalian bisa langsung login
  4. Promosikan diri anda lewat form lamaran kerja yang tertara
  5. Selesai, silahkan tunggu.

Bagikan Loker ini

Deskripsi Perusahaan


is a multinational enterprise currently represented in 20 countries worldwide with its holding company in Spain. In order to strengthen bonds within all our market sectors we have gained ownership of 22 factories and 120 fulfillment centers employing over 20,00 people. Our infrastructure reaches out to more than one million retail outlets worldwide enabling us to sell over 3 billion liters of beverages including carbonated drinks (BIG COLA, Volt), water (Cielo), various juices (Cifrut) and tea (Teh Azli, BIG TEA) in Indonesia.

We are committed to producing and marketing innovative products to meet all the international quality standards whilst maintaining our highly competitive prices required by the most demanding consumers worldwide. As a result of this strategy we have managed to successfully expand in the countries we are currently operating within, including Indonesia.

With a huge Global market already in place we are planning on expanding our current position through continued growth. As a company with a “Think Big” philosophy we aim to break down barriers and maintain our ethos of working hard in order to reach our main objective.

Info Perusahaan

  • Industri: Manufaktur/Produksi
  • Ukuran Perusahaan: 501 - 1000 pekerja
  • Waktu Proses Lamaran: 25 hari
  • Tunjangan dan Lain-lain: Asuransi kesehatan, Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat, Bisnis (contoh: Kemeja)
  • Lokasi: Jawa barat Cikarang
Loker ini cocok untuk anda yang tinggal di provinsi: Jawa Barat