Lowongan Kerja Jawa Barat Posisi Executive Secretary di PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Indonesia

Gambar PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Indonesia Posisi Executive Secretary
  • Loker diposting 9 bulan yang lalu

Dibutuhkan!! loker dengan sistem full time untuk posisi Executive Secretary di kantor PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Indonesia untuk kota/kab Jawa Barat atau sekitarnya.

Kemampuan yang PT kami inginkan adalah Sumber Daya Manusia/Personalia & Sekretaris serta orang yang jujur dan bertanggung jawab.

Perusahaan ini tidak memiliki persyaratan minimal pendidikan/sertifikasi yang tersendiri terhadap calon pelamar sehingga kamu bisa mencoba melamar ke perusahaan ini dengan memberikan CV atau portofolio anda.

Gaji yang perusahaan tawarkan cukup kompetitif tergantung dari kemampuan pekerja. Rata-rata upah yang kami berikan adalah Rp 1.800.000 - Rp 5.500.000.

Info Loker

Perusahaan PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Indonesia
Posisi Executive Secretary
Tempat Jawa Barat
Tingkatan Kerja Manajer/Asisten Manajer
Kualifikasi Tidak terspesifikasi
Jenis Pekerjaan Full Time
Spesialisasi Dibutuhkan Sekretaris, Sumber Daya Manusia/Personalia
Gaji Min Rp. 1.800.000
Gaji Max Rp. 5.500.000

Executive Secretary & General Affairs

Daimler Commercial Vehicles Manufacturing Indonesia


  • Min. Bachelor Degree
  • Min. 5 years in handling GA
  • Good communication skills with proficiency in English communication
  • Quick analytical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Computer Skills
  • Basic knowledge of IATF 16949, ISO 14001, SMK3 and Eco Industry

Job Description

Reporting directly to L3 in regular basis, and be responsible for L3

  • Calendar management and other filings
  • Set up online/offline meetings with top management and/or internal team and ensure meeting room/link is ready.
  • Arrange and prepare any events/workshop/training on behalf of L3. This includes arrangements/preparations for the L3 and the visitors – e.g. transportation, accommodation 
  • Travel arrangements
  • Ensure all company-related expenses/reimbursements are processed and paid within a timely manner via system
  • Communication on behalf of L3 in a professional manner
  • Other support required

Building Management & Employee Facility.

  • Coordinate for re-layout/renovation office and ensure to be in line with the SoP
  • Maintain office supplies i.e. stationary, pantry consumable, hygiene stock
  • Maintain office general services and contracts in place i.e monitor contract extension from vendor(s)
  • Coordinate, ensure efficiency and service quality for employee transportation (shuttle/taxi/outside duty/company cars) for both DCVMI and DCVI –coordination with HR on new employees / exit employees
  • Coordinate, ensure efficiency and service quality for employees’ daily welfare (snacks, milk, canteen, etc.) strong coordination with the operations dept.
  • Coordinate, ensure efficiency and service quality of driver services (for foreigners and CFO)
  • Maintain uniform stock and distribution to eligible employees — coordination with HR on new employees

Support to L4 Production, QM, Logistic, and SM.

  • Travel arrangements
  • Ensure all company-related expenses/reimbursements are processed and paid within a timely manner via system
  • Other support required

Project Management and coordination.

  • Involved in arrangements and preparations of internal events or projects by liaising with PIC/team leaders/other functions and/or across departments
  • Communication with other PIC/team leaders – ensure all parties are aligned, updated, and any information required are provided

Communication and liaison with other department/functions both internally and externally.

  • Including but not limited to: With internal cross-function departments (i.e. Maintenance department) and with other DT group companies.
  • To be the first point of contact/communication channel by internal employees/other DT companies or external parties for general information, and to cascade it accordingly to the respective department.
  • Collaborating with all vendors associated/engaged with company and other external parties as required
  • Maintaining good relationships between the company and external parties.

Provide support to all team members of CV Operations >150 personnel.

  • Travel arrangements
  • Ensure all company-related expenses/reimbursements are processed and paid within a timely manner via system
  • Other support required


  • Assisting in all-round administration including but not limited to managing, documenting, and maintaining company-related documents and assets.
  • Ensure SoP is followed through in the system

Ensure the office is in smooth operational in general


  • Compliance to Daimler Truck AG Integrity Code
  • Compliance to Daimler Truck AG Policies and Guidelines

Alamat Lengkap

Provinsi Jawa Barat
Map Google Map

Keuntungan Kerja

  • Mendapat pengalaman kerja
  • Bonus jika lembur
  • Diajari terlebih dahulu

Lamar kerja

Perlu diingat informasi yang tertera bisa saja berubah sewaktu-waktu.

Melamar pekerjaan tidak dipungut biaya, anda harus berhati-hati saat melamar pekerjaan.

Pastikan anda mengisi form lamaran yang dituju terlebih dahulu dan menunggu HRD perusahaan menghubungi untuk interview.

Disclaimer: pastikan anda membaca deskripsi dan intruksi dari lokercepat.id agar tidak mengalami kejadian yang tidak mengenakkan saat melamar pekerjaan. Karena kami adalah situs berbagi lowongan pekerjaan dengan sumber dari internet, koran, dan TV.

Tips dari admin. Gunakan bahasa yang sopan dan promosikan diri semenarik mungkin agar HRD/Staff terkait tertarik dengan anda.

Semoga sukses mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan.

Intruksi Melamar Pekerjaan

  1. Buka link "Lamar Sekarang" di atas
  2. Jika belum punya akunnya, silahkan daftar terlebih dahulu, buat profile/unggah resume sesuai dengan data diri anda
  3. Jika sudah mendaftar kalian bisa langsung login
  4. Promosikan diri anda lewat form lamaran kerja yang tertara
  5. Selesai, silahkan tunggu.

Bagikan Loker ini

Deskripsi Perusahaan

PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Indonesia (DCVI) and PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Manufacturing Indonesia (DCVMI) are limited liability companies established in 2017 and 2019.

The 2 companies are subsidiaries of one of the world’s most successful German automotive companies, Daimler Trucks AG and representing the trucks and buses of Mercedes-Benz, the world’s most valuable premium automotive brand (source: Interbrand study, Oct 4, 2018) in Indonesia.

Info Perusahaan

Loker ini cocok untuk anda yang tinggal di provinsi: Jawa Barat