Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Raya Posisi Indonesia: Bioenergy Economy Investment Expert di Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

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Dibutuhkan!! lapangan pekerjaan dengan sistem untuk posisi Indonesia: Bioenergy Economy Investment Expert di kantor Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) untuk kota/kab Jakarta Raya atau sekitarnya.

Pengalaman yang PT kami inginkan adalah Akuntansi / Keuangan & Audit & Pajak serta orang yang jujur dan bertanggung jawab.

Perusahaan ini tidak memiliki kualifikasi yang khusus terhadap pelamar pekerjaan sehingga anda bisa mencoba melamar ke perusahaan kami dengan memberikan CV atau portofolio anda.

Upah yang perusahaan berikan cukup kompetitif menurut dari skill pekerja. Minimal upah yang kami tawarkan adalah Rp 1.800.000 - Rp 5.500.000. Tapi itu semua bisa berubah menurut dari keputusan HRD.

Info Loker

Perusahaan Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Posisi Indonesia: Bioenergy Economy Investment Expert
Tempat Jakarta Raya
Tingkatan Kerja Tidak Terspesifikasi
Kualifikasi Tidak terspesifikasi
Jenis Pekerjaan
Spesialisasi Dibutuhkan Akuntansi / Keuangan, Audit & Pajak
Gaji Min Rp. 1.800.000
Gaji Max Rp. 5.500.000
Indonesia: Bioenergy Economy Investment Expert

The National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for the period of 2025-2*** is a crucial stage within the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) for the period of 2025-2***. It serves as the starting point for the development targets outlined in the RPJPN. Moreover, the RPJMN 2025-2*** is a fundamental step in achieving the Vision 2045. The development of the RPJMN should be guided by the Sustainable Development paradigm, with a focus on balancing economic, environmental, and social aspects. Thus, Low Carbon Development is the approach that must be adopted. One of the main strategies towards this goal is through low-carbon and green economy development, by setting a net-zero emission (NZE) target for the transformation.

Indonesia is a major producer of fossil fuels, yet it relies heavily on imports to meet its energy needs. Indonesia has been a net importer of oil and gas since 2012, which is a significant contributor to the trade balance deficit. This situation poses a significant risk for the fulfilment of domestic energy needs and macroeconomic conditions as Indonesia is heavily dependent on global oil prices.

At the same time, the country’s infrastructure and regulatory environment have improved to attract investments in renewable energy. However, more needs to be done to achieve the target in the energy mix in the RUEN (National Energy General Plan). The RUEN stipulates that in 2025, the portion of renewable energy in the national energy mix must reach 23% while in 2050 the portion of renewable energy should reach 31%. To address potential economic risks and to meet renewable energy targets, fossil fuel imports should be reduced by using national renewable energy sources.

According to the IEA, the largest part of Indonesia’s final energy consumption was oil products at 62% in 2020. As much as 38% of oil product consumption comes from transportation. As the GOI looks for various domestic energy alternatives with the aim of reducing oil and gas imports, the utilization of biomass as a raw material to replace fossil fuels is seen as a viable option.

To provide technical assistance to the GOI to achieve its renewable energy and net zero emission targets, GGGI implements the project “Renewable Energy–Accelerated Transition” (RE-ACT) in Indonesia. The RE-ACT project is led by the Directorate for Various New and Renewable Energy at the Directorate General for New Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource (MEMR), as the executing government agency. BAPPENAS is the co-chair of the RE-ACT project. RE-ACT is based on GGGI’s hypothesis that there is very significant potential in renewable energy investments in Indonesia that is held back by policy barriers and a lack of proven investment projects that demonstrate commercial feasibility of renewable energy projects to private investors. The RE-ACT project started in October 2021 and has a maximum project duration of 5 years. With funding from the Government of New Zealand, RE-ACT works with the Indonesian government to address policy hurdles and impediments to help create an enabling policy environment to stimulate private investment in renewable energy, in turn allowing more ambitious NDCs, which are predicated on accelerated renewable energy adoption.

In response to a request for support by the Directorate of Energy, Mineral Resources & Mining, Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS (“Direktorat Sumber Daya Energy, Mineral & Pertambangan/SDEMP, Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kemen PPN/BAPPENAS”), GGGI will provide technical input to the background study for the RPJMN 2025-2***, including for the utilization of bioenergy for the non-electricity use.

The following priorities stand out as critical areas of support to the GOI:

a) The background study shall consider the medium-term vision of the country and ensure medium-term energy security.

b) Align with national climate change targets such as the net zero emission target, anticipate the stranded assets from fossil fuel plants, and manage the potential economic losses from fossil fuel resources at the national and regional levels as well as efforts to rapidly expand renewable energy.

The RPJMN can be a catalyst for policy reform to increase renewable energy investment. The RE-ACT Project will support the bioenergy theme in the RPJMN with a technical background study. The RPJMN is currently enacted as a Presidential Regulation (Perpres). However, the RPJMN is planned to be enacted as a Government Regulation (PP) in the future, taking precedence over a Presidential Regulation. Incorporating RE-ACT support for new legislation and planning targets in the RPJMN 2025-2*** presents an opportunity to accelerate the transition to renewable energy.


BAPPENAS has requested GGGI to support the background study for the energy sector for the next RPJMN 2025 – 2*** and to provide recommendations to mainstream green growth principles and actions into development plans for the energy sector. GGGI will focus on bioenergy for non-electricity use to become an input to the background study for next RPJMN. BAPPENAS and GGGI would like to engage an Individual Consultant to undertake the background study, focusing on investment needs for the upscaling of bioenergy for non-electricity use. The Individual Consultant will support the background study related to economic and project investment needs and challenges and will work together with other consultants preparing input to the same background study:

  1. Bioenergy Analysis & Regulation Assessment (prepared by a consulting firm and the main coordinator for the whole background study)
  2. Bioenergy Social Environmental Impact Assessment (prepared by an individual consultant)

The following duties and responsibilities are indicative and subject to further detailing through specific service requests to be made by GGGI during the contract duration. The Individual Consultant is expected to provide services in written and coherent formats for the deliverables and activities of this assignment. The Individual Consultant shall critically review all available information related to the cost benefit analyses, financial analyses (e.g. CAPEX, OPEX, estimated revenue, estimated profit, IRR, PBT, etc.), as well as project financing options in relation to the development of bioenergy for the non-electricity sector. The Individual Consultant shall ensure that the study is in line with global and GOI standards, targets and best practices for utilization of bioenergy for non-electricity use.

The Individual Consultant will work together in a team with the other consultant and a consulting firm as mentioned above. Since the work will be undertaken in close cooperation with BAPPENAS, GGGI and other partners, flexibility and a shared vision for the project outcome are essential. The Individual Consultant will report to the GGGI RE-ACT Manager while also coordinating on a day-to-day basis with the appointed BAPPENAS focal point(s). Where applicable, cooperation with MEMR, MoEF, and other partners is required.


The Consultant shall carry out the scope of services with the below activities:

i. Evaluate the conditions of financing and investing in bioenergy in Indonesia, including the constraints, challenges and opportunities for bioenergy investments.

ii. Analyze the financing needs to close the gap between current contribution of bioenergy to the energy mix and government targets.

iii. Analyze the financial and economic benefits of investments in bioenergy for non-electricity use in Indonesia compared to the existing energy used, such as:

a) Biofuel for Non-Electricity Use (e.g., Bio Avtur, Bio Ethanol, Bio Methana, Bio-briquette, Green Fuels, and Bio Diesel)

b) Mandatory Blending Fuel (e.g., B30 and B40)

iv. Provide input and recommendations on how to accelerate investment to utilize bioenergy for non-electricity use, including strategic planning advice as well as policy advice for the acceleration in Indonesia to be included in the RPJMN 2025 – 2***.

v. To provide Cost Benefit Analysis & Provide input and recommendation on bioenergy (biofuel) financing mechanism.

vi. Determine indicators and targets per year as well as a breakdown of proposed program activities to attract and accelerate investments in bioenergy for non-electricity use, matching the RPJMN duration (5 years).

vii. The study should align with the 1st 5-year milestone in the RPJPN 2025-2*** and the current RPJMN 2020 – 2*** for renewable energy and bioenergy.

viii. In close cooperation with BAPPENAS and GGGI, develop the recommendations and help prepare an in-depth background study that may include roadmap, implementation strategy, business plan, and funding mechanism design potentially guiding BAPPENAS and stakeholders with the next steps.

ix. Play an active role in organizing and facilitating Government led meetings and workshops and the development of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD).


All reports and outputs must be in English and Bahasa Indonesia, in accordance with GGGI’s formatting requirements, and submitted in hard copy and electronic formats along with complete sets of raw data, research materials, and interview notes. The Consultant shall also prepare presentation (*.pptx format) as required to present to the senior management of the Government/GGGI/stakeholders etc. The Individual Consultant will report to the GGGI RE-ACT Manager for the completion of the tasks and duties at the GGGI in which the Individual Consultant will be retained. The expected outputs of the Consultant will be as follows:

Table 1: Output of the Consultant Work



Payment Terms

Maximum Amount



Input to inception report: a detailed work plan and outline of content for the Bioenergy Social & Environment Impact Study, as agreed upon with GGGI and BAPPENAS after the kick-off meeting

15 days after signing contract


(USD 3.600; after approval)



Draft chapter(s)/section(s) of the study, which incorporates the findings of the study on Bioenergy Social & Environment Impact Assessment in Indonesia to become part of the Draft of Background Study for RPJMN in Energy Sector: Bioenergy for Non-Electricity Use.

The 3rd month after signing contract


(USD 14.400; after approval)



Focus Group Discussion (FGD) & Final report of the Social & Environment Impact Assessment in Indonesia in background study for RPJMN in energy sector: Bioenergy for Non-Electricity Use.

A handover acknowledgement from BAPPENAS that they already accepted the study report (bilingual – English and Bahasa Indonesia)

The 5th month after signing contract


(USD 18.000; after study accepted)

This consultancy work is anticipated to be implemented within 5months, starting from March 2023, and is expected to be completed by August 2023 (effectively 60 man-days).

 The contract is a deliverable-based contract, in which payments are made according to the schedule presented in Table 1 above. The Consultant shall directly report to and coordinate day-to-day activities with the RE-ACT Project Manager of GGGI and BAPPENAS. The Consultant’s work progress will be monitored primarily through periodic review meetings, the precise schedule of which is to be determined based on consultation with the consultant and GGGI.

Upon GGGI’s request, the Consultant shall produce a formal progress report (2-3 pages) for GGGI’s management committee that includes: an overview of the project, a narrative description of project activities, detailed information on project objectives and milestones, actual achievements made against the initially set timeline, etc.

 BAPPENAS requests the final report in Bahasa Indonesia. However, the consultant must submit the report both in English and Bahasa Indonesia, in accordance with GGGI’s formatting requirements. All documents should be submitted in soft copy along with complete sets of raw data, research materials, minutes of meeting and interview notes. The consultant’s work progress will be monitored primarily through periodic review meetings. The precise schedule is to be determined based on consultation during the kick-off meeting. The key performance indicator are 100% on time delivery as per “Timetable and reporting arrangements” and no late, incorrect or in complete delivery as per output. 


  • Master-degree in finance/economics/business management and/or other related fields. A Doctorate-degree is preferable.
  • In-depth knowledge of renewable energy financing as well as bioenergy financing mechanisms and enabling policies and regulations, especially in developing countries.
  • In-depth knowledge and a minimum of 15-year experience in providing financial analysis, investment structuring, and implementing financing mechanisms in developing countries.
  • Ability to communicate professionally and effectively with technical, managerial, and/or decision makers and proven ability to write in English.
  • Ability to secure collaboration and agreement with stakeholders, either government or other donors, reflecting empathy of perspectives and identifying recognition of mutual/complimentary interest
  • Excellent in report development and presenting the study results to related project stakeholders, Governments (national/local), GGGI, other stakeholders)
  • Cultural sensitivity and respect for differences, including in opinions.
  • Has an experienced with SEA (Strategic Environment Assessment) or understanding of the SEA in principle will be an advantage.


To be considered for this position, the Candidate must meet the minimum qualification as listed above. Consideration and selection will be based on a panel evaluation of the evaluation criteria factor as below. GGGI does not pay for any expenses associated with this assignment, unless expenses are pre-authorized by GGGI. Reference check will be conducted on the Candidate during the interview. The applicant’s references must be able to provide substantive information about his/her past performance and abilities.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Professional Competency (10 points): Master-degree in finance, economics or business management and/or other related fields. A Doctorate-degree is preferable.
  2. Experience (15 points): In-depth knowledge and a minimum of 15-year experience in providing financial analysis, investment structuring, and implementing financing mechanisms for renewable energy in developing countries.
  3. Communication (15 points): Level IV (fluent) oral and writing ability in English is required. This means an ability to participate in professional meetings in English and writing reports in English.
  4. Technical Knowledge (30 points): The Candidate must have strong understanding of the Indonesian renewable energy financing & investment landscape. S/he must have a strong understanding of the Government of Indonesia plans, policies, system, ministries, agencies, and institutions, including the challenges and opportunities associated with de-centralization. S/he must have a good understanding of international development programs as well as for profit and not for profit private sector engagement. S/he must have solid and proven knowledge of the design, management, and evaluation of development programs in Indonesia.
  5. Individual Competency (30 points): In-depth knowledge of renewable energy financing as well as bioenergy financing mechanisms and policy/regulation especially in developing countries. 

Maximum Available Points: 100

At GGGI’s discretion, reference checks and interviews may be conducted as part of the evaluation process.

Applicants must also include in their application package as follows:

  1. A cover letter of no more than two (2) pages that demonstrates how the candidate’s qualifications meet the work requirements (in English);
  2. A curriculum vitae which, at a minimum, describes education, latest experience and career achievements related to the assignment (in English);
  3. Names, current and accurate contract numbers (email and phone) of three (3) professional references that have knowledge of the applicant’s abilities to perform the duties set forth in the solicitation (in English);
  4. A concept note related to the analysis of the needs of this background study to close the gap between the existing condition and the current reality one as well as future planning of the government related to the social & environment perspective. This concept note should also be able to answer: “why this study is needed?; what make the differences with this study to justify the assignment?;” (maximum of 2 pages; in English).

All of the above information must be included in the application package in order for the package to considered complete.

Interest candidates should send the above information directly in the link ***************

All application submitted by GGGI website or e-mail, must be in GGGI Seoul, no later than March 20, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Korean Standard Time (KST). Application submitted after the deadline will not be considered Application. Cover Letter, and CV must be sent in English. A consortium, or a firm may not be engaged for the individual consultant assignment

Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Alamat Lengkap

Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Kota Jakarta Raya
Alamat Jl. Taman Patra Raya No.10, RT.5/RW.4, Kuningan Tim., Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
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Deskripsi Perusahaan

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGI) adalah organisasi internasional, berbasis perjanjian, inter-pemerintah yang didirikan untuk mendukung dan mempromosikan pertumbuhan hijau di seluruh dunia. GGI adalah organisasi nirlaba yang berorientasi pada hasil yang didirikan pada tahun 2012 di Seoul, Korea Selatan. GGI memiliki sekitar 100 staf dari lebih dari 30 negara yang menyebarkan kegiatan di lebih dari 20 negara. GGI menggabungkan metode, teknologi, dan keahlian yang relevan untuk membantu negara-negara mencapai tujuan pertumbuhan hijau dengan mempromosikan efisiensi energi dan sumber daya, pembangunan berkelanjutan, dan pembangunan infrastruktur yang berkelanjutan. GGI juga membantu negara-negara untuk membangun dan mengimplementasikan kebijakan, program, dan proyek yang bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dan berkelanjutan. GGI berkomitmen untuk membantu negara-negara anggota melalui kerja sama pembelajaran dan berbagi informasi dan pengalaman.

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