Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Raya Posisi Consultant: Documentation Mental Health Piloting De-institutionalization di Jhpiego Indonesia

Gambar Jhpiego Indonesia Posisi Consultant: Documentation Mental Health Piloting De-institutionalization
  • Loker diposting 9 jam yang lalu

Kami merilis lowongan pekerjaan dengan sistem full time untuk posisi Consultant: Documentation Mental Health Piloting De-institutionalization di tempat usaha Jhpiego Indonesia untuk daerah Jakarta Raya atau sekitarnya.

Skill yang perusahaan kami inginkan ialah Spesialis Medis (Kesehatan & Medis) serta orang yang mampu mengemban pekerjaan dengan baik.

Perusahaan kami tidak memiliki persyaratan minimal pendidikan/sertifikasi yang khusus terhadap pelamar pekerjaan sehingga anda dapat mencoba melamar ke perusahaan kami dengan memberikan CV atau portofolio anda.

Upah yang kami tawarkan cukup kompetitif tergantung dari pengalaman pekerja. Minimal upah yang kami tawarkan adalah Rp 2.000.000 - Rp 8.500.000.

Info Loker

Perusahaan Jhpiego Indonesia
Posisi Consultant: Documentation Mental Health Piloting De-institutionalization
Tempat Jakarta Raya
Jenis Pekerjaan Full Time
Spesialisasi Dibutuhkan Spesialis Medis (Kesehatan & Medis)
Gaji Min Rp. 2.000.000
Gaji Max Rp. 8.500.000



The importance of mental health as a critical component of overall health and well-being is being increasingly recognized by the global public health community, particularly in light of COVID-19 stressors and movements towards Universal Health Coverage. Over 80% of the estimated one billion people with diagnosed mental health conditions live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where the estimated treatment gap is close to 90%1. Indonesia has a high prevalence of mental health disorders, with an estimated ten percent of the population experiencing at least one mental health problem and 1.8 cases of severe mental health problem per 1,000 persons (Riskesdas, 2018). The most common mental health problems in Indonesia are anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse, and schizophrenia. Despite the potential to successfully prevent and treat mental disorders, only a small minority of those in need receive even the most basic treatment due to stigma (families, communities, health workers) and lack of access to quality mental health services.

In April 2022, the Indonesia Ministry of Health (MOH) launched its health transformation agenda, identifying six areas of work where the MOH intends to focus going forward given the population’s changing health burden status and the need for acceleration in particular health areas to meet the country’s minimal service standards. Primary care transformation, the first pillar, represents the government’s plans to take a more preventive and promotive approach to health, increasing access to integrated services across the life cycle by bringing quality primary health services closer to community level. The Integrasi Layanan Primer (ILP) model calls for the introduction of a more standardized continuum of care approach that focuses on prevention and promotion, connecting community health workers (and home visits) to the posyandu, then to the pustu prima (a “new” level of care that consolidates multiple community health structures), and then to the puskesmas, ensuring referrals to higher levels of care as necessary.

The PHC transformation is focused on improving preventive services and integrating services based on the life-cycle approach, which includes the integration of mental health in each of the life-cycles. In 2022, the MOH piloted the new integrated model for primary health care (I-PHC) in nine districts and identified some challenges in integrating mental health into primary care including: lack of health worker knowledge/skills on mental health and low compliance of health workers in screening their clients for mental health issues during clinical practice.

Through USAID-MOMENTUM, USAID/Indonesia is planning to support the MOH in replicating the I-PHC model in 44 districts across five provinces (Banten, East Java, North Sumatra, NTT and South Sulawesi) and in testing specific innovations in particular districts in partnership with national and sub-national stakeholders for potential future I-PHC model refinement. USAID-MOMENTUM will facilitate a set of basic activities aligned with the national I-PHC guidelines, including:

  • Strengthen the national e-LMS system (Plataran Sehat) for building the capacity of health workers in PHC facilities (puskesmas and pustu) as well as community cadres in posyandu: develop 3 new MNH e-learning modules (pregnancy care, intrapartum care, postpartum care) for GPs, midwives and emergency teams (GP, nurse, midwife), provide technical advice to the MOH in development of the remaining non-MNH learning modules, and support the uptake of Plataran Sehat by health workers and community cadres in 44 districts through technical assistance to DHOs in mapping training needs, developing training plans and supporting health worker
  • Provide technical assistance to PHOs and DHOs in five provinces and 44 districts to strengthen their capacity for implementing the MOH’s PHC model and national guidelines, including planning, budgeting, implementation, and monitoring – supporting community, posyandu, pustu prima and puskesmas at scale in each district and ensuring sufficient and effective
  • Support implementation of district-based Implementation research on specific topics to improve PHC implementation, in partnership with local universities and other relevant The proposed learning topics include telehealth between puskesmas and pustu-posyandu (Manggarai Barat), provider networks among private and public health facilities (Serang), facilitative supervision for puskesmas and below (Deli Serdang) and performance-based incentives for cadres (Bulukumba). The objectives of these learning labs are (1) to establish a sustainable ecosystem for innovations and a strong learning agenda for designing, incubating and testing innovative solutions to address some of the key barriers that impede the delivery of PHC in Indonesia and (2) use learnings generated from the learning labs to inform the MOH regarding refinements to the overall design of the PHC model.

Specific support for mental health activities under MOMENTUM

With specific regard to the $425K in MHPSS funds, USAID MOMENTUM proposes to program these to support the following as part of its broader PHC scope of work, and focusing on promotive/preventive approaches:

  • Ensure mental health is incorporated into 2 of the e-learning modules USAID MOMENTUM is supporting the MOH to develop (ANC, intrapartum care, PNC for (1) doctors and (2) nurses and midwives)
  • Support district health offices in scaling up mental health services as part of the broader PHC package (as outlined in national PHC implementation guidelines) – e., make sure they are addressing capacity building, funding, infrastructure, data, HR needs as part of the broader PHC scale-up (this will be part of USAID MOMENTUM’s planned general support to the DHOs, as referenced earlier, and will cover cluster 3 in addition to cluster 2)
  • Support the MOH mental health directorate to pilot a model for community-based mental health (for de-institutionalization) in Manado, North Sulawesi. The MOH is partnering with WHO in the development and implementation of this model; MCGL will support monitoring and documentation of the Through this de-institutionalization pilot, the MOH hopes to reduce the length of care for mental health patients in psychiatric hospitals, improve comprehensive quality of care (mental health and associated physical diseases), strengthen mental health services in the community, engage support from stakeholders and community participation for community mental health services (panti, sentra, etc), and improve availability of mental health services outside of health facilities (in schools, workplaces). Please see below for more specific information on the pilot and MCGL’s role.

MOH’s deinstitutionalization pilot in Manado, North Sulawesi

The MOH expects that the community based mental health care model to be piloted will


  • Comprehensive, collaborative, and community-based models of care that are accessible at all levels within the community (consumers, family, community, campus, workplace, posyandu, pustu, puskesmas, general hospital, psychiatric hospital, panti and/or sentra)
  • High quality provision of mental health services (screening, early intervention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation) in the community (family, campus, workplace, posyandu, pustu, puskesmas, general hospital, psychiatric hospital, panti and/or sentra)
  • Promotive, preventive, and rehabilitative interventions at community level, including family, community, campus, and

In collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Momentum Indonesia will support documentation process of piloting de-institutionalization in Manado, North Sulawesi will include results from the discussion of MOH – MH Directorate, USAID -MOMENTUM and partners (WHO, BKPK, Universities representatives, etc). For this purpose, a consultant is needed.

MOMENTUM scope to support the monitoring and evaluation of MOH’s piloting de-institutionalization program for drafting recommendation of overall process from all parties that support piloting mental healt de-institutionalization in Manado for national scale up guide

Piloting de-institutionalization documentation in Manado city, North Sulawesi is a MOMENTUM support to document the overall process from period 27 October 2023 – end October 2024 engaging partners that supporting Ministry of Health – Mental Health Directorate at all level from community, health facilities, hospital, living centers

  • PHO North Sulawesi
  • DHO Manado City
  • MoSA, PoSA
  • PKJN (Pusat Kesehatan Jiwa Nasional)
  • BKPK
  • IPKJI (Ikatan Perawat Kesehatan Jiwa Indonesia)
  • TA team (PDSKJI, MH nurse, social workers)
  • WHO
  • IPK
  • KPSI
  • CBO – Community based organization
  • Sentra, Panti

In collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Momentum Indonesia will support documentation piloting de-institutionalization in Manado, North Sulawesi will include results from the discussion of MOH – MH Directorate, USAID -Momentum and partners (WHO, BKPK, Universities representatives, BKPK, IPKJI, PKJN).  For this purpose, a consultant is needed.

Momentum scope to support MOH piloting de-institutionalization will be as follow:

  1. Documentation process Community based MH in Manado
  2. Collecting monitoring and evaluation data
  3. Simple data analysist

Scope of Work:

  • Conduct interview from all local stake holders and parties that support piloting and beneficiaries in Manado
  • Analysis of above-referenced interview data regarding piloting de-institutionalization in Manado
  • Formulation of recommendations, documentation of best practices and lesson learned


Document best practices for piloting de-institutionalization in Manado City

– consultant will meet and conduct interview with relevant stakeholders who have implemented mental health support to MH piloting activities to identify actions taken, barriers and lessons learned. Consultant will also conduct field visits to observe selected efforts and document findings.  The consultant work with another consultant (professional writer) to draft a final report incorporating all of the above, using a template provided by MCGL.  All lessons learned will be shared with the team in National level so that the model for scale up.

Work process:

  1. Discussion and interview MoH and all parties/agencies that support on piloting de institutionalization in Manado as needed.
  2. Documentation process Community based MH in Manado
  3. Collect the data / information
  4. Formulation recommendation for scale up
  5. Writing the final report


it is expected that Momentum can share the lessons from Manado by End of November 2024 on time to improve the model piloted in Manado, which will be done for about 6-8 weeks, October – November 2024



Meeting and interview with all stakeholders in National level and Manado city

Week 2 Oct

Weekly meeting with MoH to update progress

Week 2-4 Oct,

Week 1-4 Nov 2024

Visit puskesmas that supported by MOMENTUM and non-supported, sample each 4 puskesmas

Week 2 Oct

Data collection from each partners

Week 2-3 Oct

Data analysis

Week 4 Oct

Writing and finalization outline and consultative meeting with MoH

Week 3 of Nov 2024


  • Master degree on Mental health specific psychiatrist, mental health nurse or clinical psychologist with minimum 5 years of relevant work experience of writing report, journal/research or guideline with MoH
  • Experience and comfortable working with MOH and Professional Organization
  • Experience collecting, analyzing and contextualizing data
  • Strong facilitation and communication skills
  • Strong writing and editing skills
  • Skilled in data visualization (developing graphs, etc.)
  • Fluent in both Bahasa Indonesia and English
  • Understanding of health system in Indonesia, preferable on Mental Health
  • Previous work with the Community based mental health project is an added advantage

Location                            : Jakarta / Manado

Supervisor                        : Chief of Party

Period of Contract          : October – November 2024 (Total day: 50 days)

How to Apply

Please submit your application letter and CV with proposed daily rate to the following email address: [email protected] with subject as per position : Consultant_Mental Health Technical Contributor

For further information about Jhpiego, visit our website at www.jhpiego.org.

Only those selected for interview will be contacted.

More Information

  • Salary Offer Negotiable

Alamat Lengkap

Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Kota Jakarta Raya
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Keuntungan Kerja

  • Gaji yang stabil dan penghasilan rutin.
  • Peluang pengembangan karir dan pelatihan.
  • Lingkungan kerja yang kolaboratif.

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Disclaimer: pastikan anda membaca deskripsi dan intruksi dari lokercepat.id agar tidak mengalami kejadian yang tidak mengenakkan saat melamar pekerjaan. Karena kami adalah situs berbagi lowongan pekerjaan dengan sumber dari internet, koran, dan TV.

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Semoga sukses mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan.

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  4. Promosikan diri anda lewat form lamaran kerja yang tertara
  5. Selesai, silahkan tunggu.

Bagikan Loker ini

Deskripsi Perusahaan

Jhpiego Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan yang berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan kesehatan di Indonesia. Sebagai bagian dari organisasi global yang terkemuka dalam inovasi kesehatan, Jhpiego Indonesia telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan akses dan pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat Indonesia, terutama dalam bidang kesehatan reproduksi, ibu dan anak.

Info Perusahaan

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Loker ini cocok untuk anda yang tinggal di provinsi: DKI Jakarta